Обучение английскому по фильмам и сериалам.

Set a goal/target/aim/objective – to decide what it is you’ll try to achieve

To be good/bad at something / doing something

Extreme  – reaching a high or the highest degree; very great

What sports are you good at?

What sports do you like/dislike/hate/enjoy/can’t stand/keen on? (Ving)

What are you sport goals? How are you going to achieve them?

What does the word “Extreme” mean to you?

Play Video

Watch the video clip and answer the questions:

  1. Why does Utah want to learn surfing? (Tell his story)
  2. What he has never seen before?
  3. Does Tayler agree to help him?

TYLER What do you want?

UTAH Shrimp and fries.

TYLER I mean, what do you want? What do you keep hanging around here.

UTAH I need you to teach me.

TYLER Gimme a break.  Shrimp and fries. To go! Would you like something to drink with that, sir?

UTAH I’m serious.

TYLER I can see that you’re serious. But forget it. Stick to tennis, I don’t know, whatever you’re good at. Miniature golf. Your number’s 37.

UTAH You don’t understand. I’m gonna learn to surf or break my neck

TYLER What is it? You all of a sudden got this bug that you just have to go surfing? This is a line, right?

UTAH No, no. See, my whole life I’ve done things for other people. In high school I played football because my old man expected me to. Then my
parents always figured I’d go to law school, so I did. Football scholarship. Phi Beta Kappa–

TYLER Is this gonna take a really long time?

UTAH Wait, so I’m a big hero to my folks, right? But two years ago they were killed in a car wreck and I can’t imagine it. Your whole life changes. And I suddenly realized that all my goals had been their goals. And I hadn’t been living my own life. So I wanted something for myself. I came out here from Ohio a month ago. I’ve never seen the ocean before. Any ocean. I never thought it would affect me so much. I’m drawn to it, or something. I want to do what you do. It’s the truth.

TYLER Alright. Ok. Tomorrow, here, 6am.

  1. What sports do you like/dislike and why?
  2. What are your sport goals at the moment?
  3. Why do you think people do extreme sports?

Say the following phrases without pauses and interruptions.

  1. What do you want?
  2. Shrimp and fries
  3. I don‘t know / You don‘t understand
  4. all of a sudden / cup of coffee


Audio test

1 / 5

2 / 5

3 / 5

4 / 5

5 / 5

The average score is 0%
