Set a goal/target/aim/objective – to decide what it is you’ll try to achieve
To be good/bad at something / doing something
Extreme – reaching a high or the highest degree; very great
What sports are you good at?
What sports do you like/dislike/hate/enjoy/can’t stand/keen on? (Ving)
What are you sport goals? How are you going to achieve them?
What does the word “Extreme” mean to you?
- Questions
- Vocabulary
- Script
- Discussion
- Pronunciation
Watch the video clip and answer the questions:
- Why does Utah want to learn surfing? (Tell his story)
- What he has never seen before?
- Does Tayler agree to help him?
TYLER What do you want?
UTAH Shrimp and fries.
TYLER I mean, what do you want? What do you keep hanging around here.
UTAH I need you to teach me.
TYLER Gimme a break. Shrimp and fries. To go! Would you like something to drink with that, sir?
UTAH I’m serious.
TYLER I can see that you’re serious. But forget it. Stick to tennis, I don’t know, whatever you’re good at. Miniature golf. Your number’s 37.
UTAH You don’t understand. I’m gonna learn to surf or break my neck
TYLER What is it? You all of a sudden got this bug that you just have to go surfing? This is a line, right?
UTAH No, no. See, my whole life I’ve done things for other people. In high school I played football because my old man expected me to. Then my
parents always figured I’d go to law school, so I did. Football scholarship. Phi Beta Kappa–
TYLER Is this gonna take a really long time?
UTAH Wait, so I’m a big hero to my folks, right? But two years ago they were killed in a car wreck and I can’t imagine it. Your whole life changes. And I suddenly realized that all my goals had been their goals. And I hadn’t been living my own life. So I wanted something for myself. I came out here from Ohio a month ago. I’ve never seen the ocean before. Any ocean. I never thought it would affect me so much. I’m drawn to it, or something. I want to do what you do. It’s the truth.
TYLER Alright. Ok. Tomorrow, here, 6am.
- What sports do you like/dislike and why?
- What are your sport goals at the moment?
- Why do you think people do extreme sports?
Say the following phrases without pauses and interruptions.
- What do you want?
- Shrimp and fries
- I don‘t know / You don‘t understand
- all of a sudden / cup of coffee