Обучение английскому по фильмам и сериалам.

Проверьте свой навык восприятия на слух

1 / 11

2 / 11

3 / 11

4 / 11

All that ... She must love you very much

5 / 11

6 / 11

7 / 11

8 / 11

Что она говорит когда ее щипают за мягкое место?

9 / 11

10 / 11

What is he ready to give up to have a kid like Joker? (more than 1 answer is possible)

11 / 11

The average score is 28%


Восприятие на слух - Бизнес английский

1 / 14

2 / 14

Что она говорит когда ее щипают за мягкое место?

3 / 14

4 / 14

5 / 14

6 / 14

What has the firm decided to do with its assets?

7 / 14

8 / 14

9 / 14

10 / 14

The key factor here is these are essentially just ...

11 / 14

12 / 14

The first hour and a half of what is very important?

13 / 14

When they look at their packets they will see what accounts they are...?

14 / 14

What is the sale going to have an influence on?

The average score is 13%
